Sunday 17 July 2016

Indigo Shadow: Page Seventeen

Sienna swallowed and nodded. “I was thinking that as well.”

“We should tell the police.” Charlotte’s face was still pale and frightened and she was hugging herself as she stared at Sienna. “That wasn’t normal, Sienna. You might be going to end up like that man who attacked us.”

“Charlotte! You saw what that reporter said,” Wendy snapped before Sienna could speak. “People are being shot.”

Charlotte’s face tightened and for a second Sienna feared her friend was going to say that she should be shot instead she shook her head. “The police would protect her, wouldn’t they?”

“What if the shooters really are the military?” Wendy asked. “They denied it but they would. I’m scared too but whatever happened with Sienna saved us and I don’t think she understands what happened either.”

“I don’t,” Sienna agreed.

“But–” Charlotte broke off as Lucy stirred and opened her eyes.

“Luce!” Wendy said. “How are you feeling?”

“Better, but my chest still hurts,” Lucy said. “Now what are you arguing about?”

“It’s a long story,” Wendy said. “And you probably won’t believe it.” She took a breath and quietly described what had happened when the strange man attacked them and what the news was saying though she missed out the bit where Sienna has nudged Charlotte – she probably didn’t realise. It took a while because she kept pausing to check none of the doctors and nurses were in earshot.

It was hard to tell through the oxygen mask but it looked like Lucy was frowning when Wendy finished.

“That can’t be right,” she said finally. “Can it?”

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